Summer of Love ~ Classes & Soul Care Circle Workshops
Morning yoga, hikes, fire ceremony, 7-8pm medititions included with all packages.  Soul Care Workshops extra - pre-register.

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  1. Soul Care Workshop Series of 2: Develop Your Spiritual Gifts & Psychic Abilities ~ with Laura two 90-minute workshops PLUS one private session $425 pp

    Soul Care Workshop Series of 2: Develop Your Spiritual Gifts & Psychic Abilities ~ with Laura two 90-minute workshops PLUS one private session $425 pp

    Sep 24th-25th

    Designed for those that are in the Healing Arts or looking to develop their spiritual gifts to be of service, or improve their connection to Source.  Focus is on connecting to higher levels of consciousness, clarity, sending and receiving messages, and understanding your power as a creator.  

  2. Soul Care Workshop: Navigating the Four Bodies of Self ~ with Laura every Wednesday 1pm-2pm,  $115 pp

    Soul Care Workshop: Navigating the Four Bodies of Self ~ with Laura every Wednesday 1pm-2pm, $115 pp

    Sep 25th

    Through self-discovery techniques you will learn how to to tap-in to your inner awareness and care for the inner guidance system that can optimize your wellbeing on all levels body-mind-heart-spirit. In regulating our four bodies of self, we can enter a flow-state that can be truly transformational.

  3. Soul Care Workshop: Raise Your Vibration and Manifest Your Hearts Desires: Law of Attraction with Ece, 4:30pm-5:30pm, $115 pre-register, bring journal

    Soul Care Workshop: Raise Your Vibration and Manifest Your Hearts Desires: Law of Attraction with Ece, 4:30pm-5:30pm, $115 pre-register, bring journal

    Sep 25th

    This intimate workshop is created with the wisdom of the Law of Attraction. The law is simple but takes dedicated focus and practice. Before the workshop contemplate what you'd like to manifest in your life, an intention,  or what is limiting you. Let's bring your beautiful dreams into reality.

  4. Wired for Happiness ~ 7pm with Tanya

    Wired for Happiness ~ 7pm with Tanya

    Sep 25th-26th

    Join Tanya for this uplifting 2-part series evening workshop, where you’ll discover simple yet powerful practices that can have a profound impact on the brain, freeing us from negative thought patterns to enjoy a new and naturally positive mindset. Healthy mind equals a happy heart!

  5. Soul Care Circle: Harmony for the Heart Sound Bath ~ with Tanya, $115 pp

    Soul Care Circle: Harmony for the Heart Sound Bath ~ with Tanya, $115 pp

    Sep 26th

    Experience the soothing, healing vibrations of crystal sound bowls designed to support your journey of connection to the heart. Join Tanya, a certified sound healing practitioner as she works both collectively and individually within this supportive space. Let your love flow!

  6. Soul Care Workshop: Life Rituals to Reclaim the Best of YOU ~ every Thursday from 1pm-2pm with Sharon, $115pp

    Soul Care Workshop: Life Rituals to Reclaim the Best of YOU ~ every Thursday from 1pm-2pm with Sharon, $115pp

    Sep 26th

    Begin a journey to reconnect to the most important person in your life, YOU. Be seen and supported in this intuitively-led sacred group experience. Through reflection, wisdom sharing and soulful rituals you will create a confident, trust-filled relationship with yourself now and into the future.

  7. Chakra Cleanse ~ 7pm with Ece Savas

    Chakra Cleanse ~ 7pm with Ece Savas

    Sep 27th-28th

    In this two evening workshop we learn how to engage with the chakras to achieve a healthy, balanced and connected life. All that manifests into physical realm, first appears in our energy realm. With this knowledge you can prevent illness, improve your state of mind and emotional wellbeing.

  8. Let It Go! Fire Ceremony & Set New Intentions ~ with Laura

    Let It Go! Fire Ceremony & Set New Intentions ~ with Laura

    Sep 27th

    Guests gather in the beautiful Great Hall to take part in a Grail Springs powerful tradition. We call upon the four elements of Fire, Earth, Water & Air to support us in letting go of that which no longer serves, and to uphold us as we embrace new commitments to our self and our future! 

  9. Soul Care Sacred Walk: Prayers and Gifts from the Labyrinth ~ every Friday from 4:40pm to 5:40pm with Tanya, $115pp

    Soul Care Sacred Walk: Prayers and Gifts from the Labyrinth ~ every Friday from 4:40pm to 5:40pm with Tanya, $115pp

    Sep 27th

    Welcome to the Magical World of Labyrinths, a profound tool and symbol of the human journey to within. Learn how to walk in this sacred container to cultivate deep inner peace and meaningful insights. We end the workshop with a ceremonial walk in the labyrinth. Bring journal. Prayer flag provided.

  10. Soul Care Circle: Sacred Heart Healing ~ with Laura every Saturday 1pm-2pm, $115 pp pre-register

    Soul Care Circle: Sacred Heart Healing ~ with Laura every Saturday 1pm-2pm, $115 pp pre-register

    Sep 28th

    Enter this sacred circle with an oath to love and care for yourself fully and completely.  As you are guided to the centre of your heart, bask in the healing energy and be whole.  We invite all aspects of self here to be replenished and depart with a clear commitment to your own loving presence.