Summer of Love ~ Classes & Soul Care Circle Workshops
Morning yoga, hikes, fire ceremony, 7-8pm medititions included with all packages.  Soul Care Workshops extra - pre-register.

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  1. Find Your Mantra, Your Sacred Sound ~ 7pm with Tanya

    Find Your Mantra, Your Sacred Sound ~ 7pm with Tanya

    Sep 20th-21st

    Whether we’re drawn to a traditional practice of using sacred sounds such a AUM, or a modern approach to manifesting through focused mantras, this practice is a powerful tool that can soothe the mind and body, improve concentration, open the heart and deepen our connection to the Divine. 

  2. Let It Go! Fire Ceremony & Set New Intentions ~ with Laura

    Let It Go! Fire Ceremony & Set New Intentions ~ with Laura

    Sep 20th

    Guests gather in the beautiful Great Hall to take part in a Grail Springs powerful tradition. We call upon the four elements of Fire, Earth, Water & Air to support us in letting go of that which no longer serves, and to uphold us as we embrace new commitments to our self and our future! 

  3. Soul Care Sacred Walk: Prayers and Gifts from the Labyrinth ~ every Friday from 4:40pm to 5:40pm with Tanya, $115pp

    Soul Care Sacred Walk: Prayers and Gifts from the Labyrinth ~ every Friday from 4:40pm to 5:40pm with Tanya, $115pp

    Sep 20th

    Welcome to the Magical World of Labyrinths, a profound tool and symbol of the human journey to within. Learn how to walk in this sacred container to cultivate deep inner peace and meaningful insights. We end the workshop with a ceremonial walk in the labyrinth. Bring journal. Prayer flag provided.

  4. Soul Care Circle: Sacred Heart Healing ~ with Laura every Saturday 1pm-2pm, $115 pp pre-register

    Soul Care Circle: Sacred Heart Healing ~ with Laura every Saturday 1pm-2pm, $115 pp pre-register

    Sep 21st

    Enter this sacred circle with an oath to love and care for yourself fully and completely.  As you are guided to the centre of your heart, bask in the healing energy and be whole.  We invite all aspects of self here to be replenished and depart with a clear commitment to your own loving presence. 

  5. Fill Your Cup Meditation - 7pm with Tanya

    Fill Your Cup Meditation - 7pm with Tanya

    Sep 22nd

    You’ve followed your heart to Grail Springs, taking the time to nurture, reset and restore. Let’s set our intentions and gain clarity on how to maintain our foundation of health and happiness at home. We'll then settle into a relaxing, insightful deep dive 'Fill Your Cup' Body Scan Meditation.

  6. Kundalini Yoga ~ Yoga of Awareness with Alaina ~ 8:50am

    Kundalini Yoga ~ Yoga of Awareness with Alaina ~ 8:50am

    Sep 22nd

    Join Alaina each Sunday morning for a gentle breathing exercise, and poses designed to activate the Kundalini energy or Shakti at the base of the spine. As we say good morning to the new day, we gently awaken this vital energy, enhancing our awareness of self and our environment.

  7. The Power of Yin Yoga ~ 7pm with Jason

    The Power of Yin Yoga ~ 7pm with Jason

    Sep 23rd

    In this workshop we will explore the meditative quality of yoga. Yin Yoga is designed to go deeper into specific postures with focus on breath work, mindfulness and letting go. The result being a deep release on both a physical and mental level.

  8. Breath and Mobility ~ The Art of Aging Pain Free with Sandi Thornton 7pm

    Breath and Mobility ~ The Art of Aging Pain Free with Sandi Thornton 7pm

    Sep 24th

    Join holistic lifestyle and mobility coach Sandi for a relaxing 60-min workshop to learn the importance of breath and mobility and how they are intrinsically linked; when you breath better, you move better.  Please bring your yoga mat and wear comfortable clothing to this informative evening class.

  9. Soul Care Circle: Heart Opening Cacao Ceremony with Sandi, 4:40pm-5:40pm $125 pp, min 2 persons

    Soul Care Circle: Heart Opening Cacao Ceremony with Sandi, 4:40pm-5:40pm $125 pp, min 2 persons

    Sep 24th

    Join Sandi for this special journey tending to the heart of our being. Guided by ceremonial cacao, we take a deeper dive into our senses and into our heart, exploring new places that we are open to see and feel. Nurturing love, harmony, compassion and connection with ourselves and others. 

  10. Soul Care Workshop Series of 2: Develop Your Spiritual Gifts & Psychic Abilities ~ with Laura two 90-minute workshops PLUS one private session $425 pp

    Soul Care Workshop Series of 2: Develop Your Spiritual Gifts & Psychic Abilities ~ with Laura two 90-minute workshops PLUS one private session $425 pp

    Sep 24th-25th

    Designed for those that are in the Healing Arts or looking to develop their spiritual gifts to be of service, or improve their connection to Source.  Focus is on connecting to higher levels of consciousness, clarity, sending and receiving messages, and understanding your power as a creator.